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22 Oneida Road
Acton, MA 01720

New patients please call to schedule your first visit.

Hours of Operation

MON: 7:30 am – 12:30 pm
TUE: 3:00 pm – 6:30 pm
WED: 7:30 am – 12:30 pm
THU: 3:00 pm – 6:30 pm
FRI: 7:30 am – 12:30 pm

As Seen on TEDx

Healing Trauma and the Human Energy Field

Healing Trauma and the Human Energy Field

I don’t know too many people who have not been traumatized by events of the past few years and especially the last year.

Trauma by nature is a Mind/Body state.

When we experience either a single extreme event or ongoing stressful experiences our Nervous System and bodies become imbalanced as stress hormones rise and tension, contraction and pressure build within us. This process is a very common contributor to the anxiety, moodiness, irritability, sleep problems, digestive problems and many other symptoms that come with stress/trauma. It can also lead to depression. We begin to disconnect from awareness of our bodies and emotions as a survival mechanism, and this keeps us stuck in it.

One thing most trauma experts agree on is that the path to healing from trauma must involve the body and if possible touch.

In our 23 years of experience doing our work we have found that often the lighter the pressure on the body the more deeply healing it is from a trauma perspective. One explanation is a special type of sensory nerve embedded in the skin called “CT Fibers” (T is for tactile). It was only relatively recently discovered by neuroscientists (of course it was there all along) and explains the reason why a light touch on the surface of the body has such emotionally healing, comforting and neurologically rebalancing effects.

We have also found that the lighter the touch the more pervasive an energetic effect there is throughout the body.


Due to our many years of practice we have developed the ability to sense and feel aspects of this energy field with our hands, and have found that the neurological/energetic effects of our work are more powerful and often more emotional when the gentle touch is complemented by additionally making contact with various areas of your “Field” which extends about 3 feet off of the body, so you may notice our touch being even lighter these days with time being also spent connecting with you through your Field with our hands above your body.

If you find that you are feeling somewhat traumatized yourself then now is the time to intentionally increase the healing experiences your body/mind is craving.

  • Touch: In addition to regular sessions in our office, at home you can use nurturing touch with yourself. Upon waking I often first “shake” and then stroke my whole body in a comforting way before beginning my day.
  • Movement: like Tai Chi, Qigong, Yoga or your favorite type of exercise.
  • Dance: put on your favorite music and dance for at least 15-20 minutes. IN our home we call this a “dance party” and it is something the whole family can do together.
  • Walks in Nature: check out the All Trails app to find new trails near you, bundle up and head outside in the daylight.
  • Music: An investment in a music service like Spotify or Pandora (Spotify has personally changed my life!) can bring music into your life if it is not there already. Listening to music and singing along has far ranging healing effects.
  • Meditation: Regular quiet time to pay loving, compassionate attention to your body and your Consciousness in whatever way feels good to you is healing for the Nervous System. Using guided imagery or self-hypnosis can be helpful as well.


If you want to learn more about healing trauma you can check out the following books and sites:

In an Unspoken Voice: How the Body Releases Trauma and Restores Goodness, by Peter Levine MD: https://www.amazon.com/Unspoken-Voice-Releases-Restores-Goodness/dp/1556439431

The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind and Body in the Healing of Trauma, by Bessel Van der Kolk MD: https://www.greenbooksale.com/The-Body-Keeps-the-Score_p_30.html

Poly Vagal Theory by Stephen Porges, PhD (a new way of looking at how the Autonomic Nervous System and the Vagus Nerve in particular heals us) https://www.stephenporges.com/

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